An estate plan is simply a strategy to take care of the people you care about – including yourself.
Investment products: are not insured by the FDIC; are not deposits; and may lose value.
An estate plan details how to transfer the right property to the right people in the right way at the right time. This includes a plan for your assets like your home, cars, investment accounts, retirement accounts or pensions and any other important personal belongings.
Having an estate plan in place:
Estate planning protects your assets for the benefit of future generations.
A thoughtful plan can make a difference for you and your loved ones.
A will is a written document in which you identify what you would like done with your assets upon your death.
A revocable trust, sometimes called a living trust, is a legal document that allows you to outline how you would like your assets controlled during your lifetime, a disability and after your death.
An advance directive, or living will, is a legal document that allows you to plan and make known your own end-of-life wishes if you become unable to communicate.
A family mission statement is a combined, unified expression of your family's purpose, goals and standards.
This document allows you to specify what you would like done with your final remains and provides direction for the ceremonial aspects of your funeral arrangements. These instructions can ease the burden for surviving loved ones who want to make sure your final wishes are fulfilled.
While many individuals rely on family or friends to settle their affairs, delegating these demanding and complex tasks is smart. Eliminate undue stress by assigning the responsibility to an experienced trustee or administrator.
As your trustee, we act as your fiduciary to carry out the terms of your trust exactly as you planned. We can act as sole trustee, co-trustee or successor trustee. We can also provide advice for all states of estate administration to ensure timely, specific execution of your estate plan.
Developing a sound financial plan is essential to achieving your long-term retirement goals.
LEARN MORE about how we can help you create sound financial plan.If you do not have a will when you die, the state, by law, dictates where your property goes. These laws are referred to as intestacy laws.
Without a Financial Power of Attorney, financial decisions cannot be made until someone (presumably a family member) retains an attorney and petitions the court to appoint a guardian of your estate.
Without a Healthcare Power of Attorney, healthcare decisions cannot be made for you until someone (presumably a family member) retains an attorney and petitions the court to appoint a guardian of the person for you.
A revocable trust is subject to change or amendment; an irrevocable trust cannot be amended.
Property owned by your revocable trust is not protected from your creditors, including a nursing home.
When you leave your property in a trust for your children, the trust can be designed to protect the property from your children’s creditors, including a divorcing spouse.
A family mission statement is a critical document to communicate your wishes and beliefs to key decision makers. It can help ensure that they will make the same decisions you would make if you were alive. Do you need one? No. Do you want one? Without question.
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This website may contain concepts that have legal, accounting, tax, and investment implications. It is not intended to provide legal, accounting, or tax advice and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any investment.
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