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Certificate of Deposits (CDs)

Grow your money with a fixed-rate savings account.

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What is a Certificate of Deposit?

A Certificate of Deposit (CD) is a time deposit account that generally offers a higher interest yield for a fixed/predetermined period of time. CDs are protected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), making your money a low-risk investment.

Savings Account vs. Certificate of Deposit

Savings Account

  • Savings accounts are generally liquid funds that can be withdrawn at any time, without a penalty, and may pay a lower interest rate.

Certificate of Deposit

  • Certificates of Deposit are generally higher paying interest accounts in which the funds are held for specific predetermined periods of time.

Certificate of Deposit Benefits

At Johnson Financial Group, we offer competitive CDs that offer a variety of benefits. 

FDIC Insured

CDs are protected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), making your money a low-risk investment.

Flexible Terms

Common terms for CDs range from three months to three years.

Rate of Return

A CD has a higher interest rate than a traditional savings account, generally meaning the longer term you choose, the higher the interest rate and the better return rate.

Benefits of CD Laddering

hand placing multiple seeds in dirt along a row

Benefits of CD Laddering

An investment strategy with CD laddering can maximize returns while minimizing risk. Investments in a CD ladder provide you with smaller Certificates of Deposit that mature at staggered dates, rather than a single large, long-term CD.

  • Liquidity – You have available cash at frequent intervals.
  • Flexibility – You decide when you want to invest more or less of your money.
  • Higher Interest Rates – Once your ladder is established, you can choose longer-term CDs with higher rates with certificates still maturing frequently.
  • Peace of Mind – If interest rates rise, you’ll have cash to take advantage of the best return. When rates fall, you still have money invested for the long term at higher rates.
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Amounts vary based on the CD term. See Rates and Terms.

You can withdraw from your Certificate of Deposit upon its maturity. When a CD reaches its maturity date, you have a grace period – typically between seven to ten days – during which you can choose to withdraw your funds without penalty, renew the CD or modify its terms.

The maturity date depends on the term length that you chose at the time of purchasing the CD. When you invest in a CD, you agree to leave your money in the bank for a specific period, which could range from a few months to several years.

If funds are removed during the predetermined period of time, there may be a penalty or fees assessed.

The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) is an independent agency of the United States government that protects bank depositors against the loss of their insured deposits in the event that an FDIC-insured bank or savings association fails. FDIC insurance is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.

FDIC deposit insurance protects bank customers in the event that an FDIC-insured depository institution fails. Bank customers don’t need to purchase deposit insurance; it is automatic for any deposit account opened at an FDIC-insured bank. Deposits are insured up to at least $250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank, per ownership category. You may have more coverage based on your account titling and beneficiaries. Visit FDIC: Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE) to calculate the insurance coverage of your deposit accounts.

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Hans Wiedenbeck
Hans Wiedenbeck, AVP Branch Manager, Madison, WI

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