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Melissa Olson and Kelly Mould joined a recent episode of the GoGedders podcast

Johnson Financial Group’s Melissa Olson and Kelly Mould joined a recent episode of the GoGedders podcast to share their thoughts on how to strengthen your financial picture, decrease your financial stress, and avoid financial pit-falls through different life stages. To learn more about how you can get on the right track to financial freedom, listen to their interview below.



Financial Advice for Young Professionals

There are really three key areas for young professionals. The first is to be very aware that credit card debt can have a lasting impact for years to come. The second is develop a spending plan. Figure out what it is in life that you want, what you can afford and make sure that you are living within your means. And third, take advantage of your company’s 401(k) plans. Don’t leave money on the table!

Financial Stability Post-Divorce

Divorce is such a difficult time, because it’s the worst time of your life, and often the couple is demonstrating their worst behaviors, because of the emotions involved. But the reality is if you can keep the entire process as amicable as possible, it’s going to be better for everyone in the long haul. This isn’t just a life you’re separating, it’s an entire financial picture. Reach out to those professionals that can help you understand what that next step is going to look like.

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