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Joe Maier joined a recent episode of the GoGedders

Johnson Financial Group’s Joe Maier joined a recent episode of the GoGedders podcast to break down President Biden’s new tax plan and how it compares to former President Trump’s tax plan. Joe discusses the potential impact of these proposed changes, and what it means for individuals and businesses. To learn more about how the American Jobs Plan may impact you, listen to Joe’s interview below.



New Tax Laws: Should you expedite selling your business or gifting your estate?

President Biden has proposed a new tax law that looks like it could have an effective date of January 1, 2022. For business owners looking to sell or transition your business in the next couple years or individuals looking to gift part of your estate, there could be significant financial impact to you based on the proposed plan. Learn more on that potential impact.

Should President Biden raise the capital gains tax?

Part of Biden’s plan is to raise the capital gain rate for capital gains in a year for over $1 million. While this might not have an impact for most people, it could have significant impact to closely held businesses and small farms that may want to sell their business in the next couple years. Learn more about how this could financially impact what you make on the sale of your business.

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